The WarmStud™ is a special kind of 2x4 made from high-quality lumber that has a layer of dense pour foam (2.2# density PUR foam) attached to its outer surface. Available in a 5.5” and 7.25” depth. This design aims to create a thermal break in the wall assembly, similar to what the BareNaked Tstud™ does. The WarmStud™ goes above and beyond the 2021 IECC Energy Codes for rigid insulation, meeting the requirements even for Climate Zone 7.

100% Complete Thermal Break Through The Stud
Code Compliant in the United States and Canada.
Patent Pending
2x6 - 5.5” WarmStud™
Any length between 92 5/8” to 12’.
2x8 - 7.25” WarmStud™
Any length between 92 5/8” to 12’. *16’ is available by special order only.
5.5” WarmStud™:
R Value 17.715
U Value 0.0440
7.25” WarmStud™:
R Value 18.547
U Value 0.0438
Provides ~12% reduction in heating and cooling costs, depending on how many times to you open the door
Provides a payback of approximately ~1 year compared to 5 years with blue or pink rigid insulation
Least expensive method of achieving a thermal break
Least expensive method of achieving a sound break
Holds in axial compressive loading 900# to 1400# depending on species of lumber
Can use a 3.5” nail to affix sheathing
WarmStud will ultimately offer a sound transmission rating as well but is untested at this time.